
Differences and similarities between the North and South in the period of 1770-1860 – Essay Sample

Differences and similarities between the North and South in the period of 1770-1860 – Essay Sample

The Southern and Northern states were different in many subjects, which ultimately ended in the Civil War. There were serious economic, societal, and political dissimilarities between the North and the South, therefore the similarities that united people were not actually taken into consideration.

These differences branched from the understanding of the United States Constitution by both parties. Eventually, all of these discrepancies about the rights of states led to the Civil War. There were motives except for slavery for the South’s secession. The demonstration of division in America was happening in many spheres simultaneously: utopian communities, clashes over public space, repercussion towards immigrants, urban uprisings, black strikes, and Indian struggle. America was a separated land in need of reorganization with the South in the most need. the South relied deeply on farming and agriculture in general, as contrasting the North, which was abundantly populated and a mechanized and manufacture-based society. The South cultivated cotton, which was its major cash crop and many Southerners were acquainted with the fact that profound dependence on slave labor would hurt the South ultimately, but their warnings were not paid attention to. Moreover, the South was built on an authoritarian system. Another extremely important difference was that constitutionally, the North supported a loose interpretation of the US Constitution, and they desired to grant the federal government enhanced powers. The South required reserving all indeterminate powers to the separate states themselves.

As you can see, there were practically no similarities between the North and the South in the period of 1770-1860, which eventually led to a war conflict between these two powers.  The only thing that united the opposing parties were people, that were not counted as a good reason to stop fighting until both sides were demolished and exhausted.  Therefore, the differences played a vital role at that time period and influenced the states to start acting.






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