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How To Write a Research Paper To Make The Grade

Developing good research paper writing skills is essential for your academic success and excellence. Though you won’t be using them on the daily basis after school is finished, these writing skills are still quite efficient and may come in handy when you have work related projects and assignments to complete. For this reason, we have formulated this guide for you to understand the components and basics of writing a research paper, and would like to share our professional knowledge and experience on how to write a research paper that will make a difference.

Every research paper has some directive involved with its needed completion. Whether it is for a marketing segment, biology assignment or simply snooping on some various information pieces, there is a clear goal for needing that research to be completed and documented. Step one of writing a research paper is to figure out why you want this and the target for your research. When that has been determined, you need to decide if you are writing an analytical research paper or an argumentative research paper. While the former deals strictly in factual researching, the latter is a stance on a controversial issue with key arguments to support your claims and position in the research. In either case, figure out which of the two types is the most applicable to your research paper needs and develop your topic based on your decision.

Once the topic has been generated, a thesis statement needs to be created to signify, in written format, the general purpose and direction of the paper. This is called a 'working' thesis statement as the point captured in the statement can be changed throughout the writing of the thesis. After this phase, it is time to go on the hunt for valuable resources in the form of statistics, historical trends, and any other supporting documentation that can enrich your thesis. While performing your research, you need to take key notes and observations that will support your final copy; during this process is when changing your thesis statement may be necessary.

Gather all that you have jotted down up to this point; it is time to prepare the outline of the research paper. In this outline you simply need the facts and data that back your research along with key discoveries you made along the way. When the outline has been formed, you are now able to put together your rough draft of the paper. Once finished, you need to read through it several times, revise as needed, then piece together the final draft. Finally, simply construct a notation and/or citation page at the end where your sources were found at, spell check and grammarize the document, and get ready to turn your finished masterpiece in.

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