
An Original Creation Myth – Essay Sample

An Original Creation Myth – Essay Sample

At first there was nothing.  The universe was not organized and the planets, if we can call those uninhabited, empty peaces of substance a planet, were moving chaotically.

Subsequently, there appeared some sort of organization in this mess.  Someone’s clever and kind hand put the planets on their initial spots and breathed life into some of them.  There were no explosions and confrontations between the planets.  Firstly, there were animals which, later on, became humanlike.  They had legs and arms, and their brain was working hard, as far as there were many hazards in that world.  Of course, this world had to be governed by someone and should not be seen, so that people would strive to the ruler.  This governor was called God.  He loved his people and guided them through the tuff world.  Humans crossed the seas and oceans, explored the land and lived in peace with each other.

Soon they started to forget who guided them.  They became proud and arrogant.  They thought that they are the ones who control the world and that they can do anything they want.  Consequently, God creates evil which destroys ships, harvests, creates misunderstanding and rises up riots, makes up liars and traitors.  Nonetheless, people still do not realize that they are the ones who shall be blamed for this chaos.  Not until evil creates death to prove this point to the nasty human beings.  Death comes and takes thousands of people with it, and they never return.  People start to bury the ones who are dead, because other people became sick and die as well.  Humans start to be afraid of death and remember about their commander again.  They ask for mercy and cry every single day, until God finally heard them.  From that times there was both evil and good, death and live.  For those who remember the one that controls them – life is free and happy, but for those who forget – evil and death are prepared.

Soon the men that inhabited the world became bored.  They were tired of the rude, unsafe, male company.  Therefore, wars broke out all over the world where men killed each other unmercifully. God did not like that, and in order to settle peace and harmony, he created a woman.  Each man got a woman for himself.  Women looked after men, they formed families, and what is more important – made children.  This did not work properly, as far as soon there were too many humans in the world (death did not take righteous men), therefore, from that moment death could take anyone, unless God permitted that.





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