
Nutrition and Memory improvement – Essay Sample

Nutrition and Memory improvement – Essay Sample

In addition to lots of health benefits diet based on vegetables, fruits health fats and whole grains can also improve memory. Research indicates that certain nutrients stimulate and nurture brain function. Antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamins C and E fight free radicals, which can damage cells because of their high reactivity .the antioxidants safely interact with them and neutralize them. Antioxidants also improve oxygen flow through the body and into the brain. Sources include : sweet potatoes, berries especially  blueberries ,  red tomatoes,  broccoli,  broccoli, green tea, citrus fruits,  nuts and seeds and the  liver.
Vitamin B  especially  folic acid , B12, and B6  breakdown homocysteine an amino acid which produce toxic effects to the nerve cells and hence protect the neurons. The B vitamins are also involved in the formation of red blood cells involved in transport of oxygen .Best sources include: broccoli, spinach strawberries asparagus, melons soybeans, citrus fruits, black beans and other legumes and dark leafy greens. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with cognitive function and are found in high concentrations in the brain. Best sources include: cold-water fish like herring, salmon tuna, mackerel and halibut; flaxseed and its oil, and walnuts and its oil. Certain health habits also help to enhance the ability to encode and recall information. Such include good sleep habits which consolidate the memory and also avoid sleep disorders like insomnia which make you tired all day and unable to concentrate. Another important habit is regular exercises which increase flow of oxygen into the brain and also reduce the risk of getting disorders like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes which result from sedentary lifestyles and which can lead to memory loss and also stroke. Regular exercise may also protect the brain cells and enhance vital chemicals in the brain. In addition managing stress is also important because it lowers levels of stress hormone and cortisol which can damage the hippocampus. In addition stress interferes with concentration and thus should be managed if a good memory is to be enhanced. Abstaining from smoking is also a good health habit because it reduces risks of cardiovascular disorders caused by smoking and which reduce oxygen flow to the brain by constricting arteries supplying the brain.





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