
Why I Support Medically Assisted Suicide – Essay Sample

Why I Support Medically Assisted Suicide – Essay Sample

Medically assisted suicide should be regarded as a right.  According to the American Medical Association (2007), physician assisted suicide is incompatible to the role of the physician, and that other options are given to relieve pain and discomfort.  However, it is a form of relief and even that of the term “treatment:” according to Marker (2010), Oregon and Washington have made assisted suicide legal in light of it as a medical treatment.  In this light the right to medically assisted suicide can be seen.  Pro-choice for assisted suicide will eliminate physical and emotional suffering, give the patient a choice to personal dignity, and reduce the medical costs to the patient and family.

Elimination of Physical and Emotional Suffering

Foremost to the discussion is the physical and emotional suffering of the patient.  Undoubtedly these are the focal points to the need for medically assisted suicide, in order to relieve the patient of his or her suffering.  This suffering is founded both in the physical and emotional effects of the pain.

The physical pain is often first seen in the patient.  It is of course difficult to generalize the average pain of a terminally ill or otherwise suffering patient, yet the physical effects of the condition are carried by the patient.  In response to the characterizations of the condition of the patient, he or she is often left to bear the trials of the physical pain.  This and the effects of medications certainly wear on the patient.

Emotional pain is often a much deeper effect.  In can be seen dependent or independent of the physical effects of the condition or medication.  The physical pain can have emotional implications in the pain of the patient.  Likewise, the emotional pain of the patient may be linked to the length of the condition, lack of promise of getting better, or many other possible reasons that can weigh on a patient’s spirit.

The Choice to Personal Dignity

Personal dignity often comes into question if a patient is expected to suffer.  As suffering is involved in the final days from a patient, medically assisted suicide can be seen as a humane answer to the pain, according to the University of Washington School of Medicine (1998).  A patient becomes compromised, where patients are often not allowed to choose such a human option in regards to their suffering.

Many patients who choose medically assisted suicide are unable to perform daily functions.  In these cases the foundation of the human being is often come into question of those affected.  Thus, as the personal dignity of the patient is come into question in regards to being able to live normally, such individuals are often unable to rid themselves of such a situation, which only adds to the pain and lack of dignity.

The overall situation results in a lack of respect.  The patient loses respect for oneself in regards to the condition and continued pain, in that and in the loss of daily functioning.  In addition to this, those close to the patient often lose respect, as there are direct and emotional manners in which it is difficult for family and friends of the patient.  Undermining this situation, the patient is unable to respectfully end his or her life.

Reduction of Medical Costs to the Patient and Family

Medically assisted suicide reduces the overall medical costs to the patient and family.  Additionally, it can relieve costs for institutions, as it has been expressed: according to Messerli (2007), terminally-ill patients do not agree that the use of the medical staff is not appropriate, according to those who would rather die.  Quality of care could be increased for other patients in the case of medically assisted suicide.

The medical bills and costs are thus relieved for the patient.  These incur lesser implications on the patient’s assets, which may be called for payment.  Here the patient would be protected in the form of his or her assets, as the care for patients who would like to end their life is not desired.  The patient should not have to pay for something that is not wanted, and that should be their right.

Loved ones will also be relieved of the unfortunate financial burden.  For patients who choose medically assisted suicide, loved ones would not have to step in to help with the related expenses of medical bills and costs.  This would lessen further burdens apart from the difficult situation and loss of the loved one.


Medically assisted suicide importantly relieves the patient of significant physical and emotional pain.  This pain should not have to be experienced, especially in the case of those who would rather end their life.  As a result, patients would be able to accept or decline this option for their life and for their treatment of physical and emotional pain.

There are also other benefits to medically assisted suicide.  Ethically the patient’s dignity would not be undermined, in the situation of the loss of daily functioning and the general loss of respect of the overall situation.  It can also relieve the financial burden of health costs.  Conclusively, medically assisted suicide will eliminate physical and emotional suffering of patients, give patients a choice to personal dignity, and reduce medical costs.





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