
Hearing Loss in the Elderly – Essay Sample

Hearing Loss in the Elderly – Essay Sample

Over 40 percent of the hearing loss cases occur in people 65 years of age or older even though people 65 years of age or older are only a little over 10 percent of the entire U.S population. Similarly, older men are more likely than older women to suffer from hearing loss and whites are more likely to suffer from hearing loss than other ethnicities. In addition, the prevalence of hearing loss also has a negative relationship with family income and education levels (National Academy on an Aging Society, 1999).
Hearing is measured on a scale called decibels hearing level. Normal conversation occurs between 45 and 55 decibels. A baby’s cry usually exceeds 60 decibels and traffic noise can reach 90 decibels. A normal or near normal hearing is able to understand sounds between 0 and 25 decibels hearing level. A mild, moderate, severe, or profound hearing loss means one can only hear sounds above 25 decibels hearing level (The Health Central Network).

The most common cause of hearing loss in adults is presbicucis, a gradual age-related reduction in the ability to hear high-pitched sounds. The other common cause is noise-induced hearing loss which may be either due to one-time exposure to extremely loud sound or continuous exposure to sounds at high decibels over long periods. Examples of long term exposure include listening to music at loud volume, power tools, traffic noise, and workplace noise. Sorineural hearing loss is the term given to hearing loss as a result of presbicucis or noise-induced hearing loss (National Academy on an Aging Society, 1999). Ear wax buildup also blocks sounds. Some immediate solutions to soften ear wax are mineral oil, glycerin, and commercial ear drops. Eardrum can also be damaged by infection, pressure, or putting objects in the ear such as cotton-tipped swabs. Other possible causes of hearing loss are viruses and bacteria, heart condition, stroke, brain injuries, and tumors (National Institute on Aging).

The symptoms that one may be suffering from hearing loss include having trouble hearing over the telephone, finding it hard to follow conversations in a group, often requesting people to repeat themselves, turning TV volume louder than the normal levels, hearing difficulties due to background noises, and having problem understanding women and children who normally have high-pitched sound. One should see doctor if any of these symptoms appear for the first time (National Institute on Aging).

The doctor may be able to diagnose the problem or he/she will refer the patient to an otolaryngologist who is a doctor that specializes in ear, nose, and throat. The otolaryngologist will try to find out the cause of hearing loss as well as recommend treatment options. An otolaryngologist may refer the patient to an audiologist who can measuring the level of hearing as well as help the patient in finding an appropriate hearing aid. Adults who do not see a physician before getting a hearing aid may also have to sign a waiver (National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders).

A hearing aid is an electronic, battery operated device that helps the wearer hear better by amplifying sound. Hearing aids come in different sizes and shapes. Some fit inside the ear while others fit behind the ear. An audiologist will also help the patients determine whether they need one or two hearing aids. Two hearing aids may help balance sound, improve understanding of words in noisy situations, and easier to locate the source of sounds (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders).





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