
Leadership Influence For Organizational Change – Essay Sample

Leadership Influence For Organizational Change – Essay Sample

Leaders in the workplace are often responsible for implementing difficult changes in order to produce a more effective work environment. Through example, demonstration and training, leaders can influence those around them to adopt new methods, behaviors and strategies to improve upon the organization. Adaptability and ongoing change are essential to a fully functioning workplace. It keeps the organization relevant, encourages employees and helps the entire company run smoothly in a constantly changing world. Businesses and organizations that introduce effective, informed changes are also much more recommended by customers.

In order to implement organizational changes, managers and other business coordinators must choose a leadership style. No leader can be effective if they do not find and effective means to lead, and this can be different for each individual. Regardless of the leadership style, however, there are several key components to successfully influencing organizational change. Leaders should basically be able to:

  • Motivate. Without proper motivation, changes are very difficult to implement. Leaders are responsible for inspiring other employees to embrace the changes in organization as a positive move. In many studies, it was found that employees were highly influenced towards accepting organizational change when their manager, boss or other superior seemed to genuinely support the change. Leaders that are able to motivate employees also decrease the level of anxiety and apathy employees may feel when faced with changes.
  • Educate. Employees deserve to be informed as to why changes are being implemented, so leaders need to be clear and communicative. What are the positive outcomes? How will this make their life easier in the work place? Leaders need to educate other employees and keep them constantly ‘in the loop’ on organizational changes. This not only improves employee morale, but also encourages dialogue and contributions between leader and employee. Educated employees are not only more likely to accept a change, but contribute to it in the future.
  • Enable. There is more to implementing change than simply informing employees the change is in place. Sometimes training exercises, workshops or presentations can be essential in introducing employees to new changes. Leaders should give employees the tools, knowledge and skills to successfully support the new policies, procedures, strategies or behaviors they are cultivating in the workplace.

It is also important to remember that leaders influence the effectiveness of organizational change with every single one of their actions. If leaders ignore, disregard or complain about organizational changes, employees will mirror that attitude, and changes become nearly impossible to implement. Leaders should always be enthusiastic about new changes in front of employees.





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