
Economics and Economic Reforms – Essay Sample

Economics and Economic Reforms – Essay Sample

What have been the major accomplishments and failures of command economies?

The accomplishments that command economies have been able to archive are inflation late has been reduced, the economic has grew, full employment. The failures are absence of profit motives in a command economy prohibits any need for competitiveness, has also discouraged individualistic yield motives and consumeristic desires.

Summarizing our class discussions, what are the political, social and economic challenges of third world countries?


Some of the political challenges in the third world countries are disagreement on what ideological or political course to chart, or the groups to rule, which eventually generate into violent, deadly civil wars and internally political strife. Also, directorship, political instability and corruption: most of third world countries readers are totally corrupt, they don’t want to leave their leadership, and a good example is Zimbabwe (President Robert Mogabe).


There are a lot of social challenges in the third world countries such as poverty, high population, illegal immigration, conflicts of interest among themselves, child abuse (such as child labor), hunger, starvation, no access of good medical care and basic education, and barbaric culture.


Third world countries are facing economic challenges of poor infrastructure, unstable income from cash crops or resource exports, lack of investment capital, lack of autonomy due to debts accumulation (which result to neocolonialism), disruption of destabilizing external influence and instruction, mismanagement and extreme corruption of funds leads to accumulation of enormous debt (for example, Indonesia or Philippines, borrowing and debt assisted only the greedy and the avaricious tyrannical ruling families, whereas the ordinary citizens of the country bore the encumber of unremitting, crushing poverty), extraction and exploitation.

What are neoliberal economic reforms?

Neo-liberal comic are reforms that strengthen the classical liberalist cost-cutting measure concept. It leads to high growth. These reforms include significant measures that have been the foremost impacts on the structure and carrying out of an economy. It also endeavor plummeting   the control of government on economy and escalating the vital of the private sector.

What factors induce the armed forces to withdraw from politics?

Armed forces lead to fragile and highly unstable governance or dictatorship, and public rejection.

What are the major strengths and weaknesses of military governments?


  • The control an mammoth coercive equipment trained in the use of force
  • They can’t forever but at immense price, endow with a few degree of steadiness, social and civil order.
  • Jobs, so that they might aim problems and bring various degree of declaration to them


They might become corrupted by absolute power, lose the public support by excessive force and coercive methods and they aren’t good in addressing critical maters.





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