
Learning Disabilities – Essay Sample

Learning Disabilities – Essay Sample

Title: What Became of those People with Learning Disabilities Who are Now Adults?

When most people hear the term ‘learning disability,’ they think of struggling young children making their way through school. What most people don’t think about is the aftermath of these years; what happens to these same kids once they are grown up? Does their learning disability continue to affect them throughout their lives, or do they simply ‘grow out of it?’

The truth is, if a child has a learning disability, they will still have it as an adult. The disability will not ‘go away’ or eventually disappear; adults, however, may be better able to cope and adapt to these disabilities. In general, how adults are affected by a childhood learning disability still varies considerably. If the adult did not receive assistance or support as a child, it is far less likely for them to completely overcome a learning disability. The best thing to do to secure a child’s future success is to help them learn the strategies, coping methods and other tools they need to overcome their learning disability. Otherwise, the adults are more likely to have financial, academic, career and social problems later on in life.

Every individual child has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of whether or not they have a disability. Many adults that suffered a learning disability as a child become very successful later in life. With support and education, most will grow to be proactive, stable and determined adults with great future goals, steady jobs and caring families. Having a learning disability does not spell defeat for these adults. Difficulties faced during childhood do not determine later success. The main determining factors of success for adults with learning disabilities are: a) understanding and being aware of their disability, b) taking steps to reduce the effect of the disability, c) seeking support, and counseling, and d) setting goals. If these factors are in order, there is no reason a child with a learning disability would grow up to be any less successful than a child without.

All adults that had a learning disability as a child will continue to have some effect of it throughout their lives. However, through learning, practice and maturity, they can cope better with issues and live the same full, rich life as any other adult. Most children with learning disabilities grow up to become healthy, functioning and successful members of their society. They are lawyers, writers, doctors and artists. Though they may read slower, need to focus harder on words or still struggle with math, they are often just as intelligent and successful as any adult without a learning disability.





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