
Child molestation – Essay Sample

Child molestation – Essay Sample

Current research indicates that the cases of child molestation in the United States are considerably on the rise. The assigned Frontline-PBS documentary questions the authenticity of child’s testimony or report in a child molestation trial. The increase of child molestation cases can be attributed to the experienced discrepancies during the rulings of such cases. This is mainly due to the fact perpetrators of such acts are considerably people of high esteem in the society. Evidently, there is increased fear that child molestation cases are on the rise since the justice system has formidably proved to be irregular in the execution of justice as far as child molestation is concerned. The assigned Frontline-PBS documentary highlights a number of cases whereby the alleged perpetrators have been set free due to the lack of evidence. In other words testimonies from the child victims are not credible enough to ensue persecution of the conspirators. However, it is imperative that all measures should be taken in order to curb molestation (Frontline-PBS documentary).

Besides, the issue of child molestation society needs to consider psychological issues or disorders related to children. Psychological disorders in children could emerge as a result of the child’s upbringing in relation to their environment. Children with psychological disorders are at more risks of succumbing to child molestation. Furthermore, the society needs to put into consideration a number of scientific issues that revolve around the prosecution of architects of child abuse. Scientific issues generally entail the controversies surrounding the memory of calculating and describing events amongst children. Due to the fact that children do not take oaths in the court settings, there is need that further research should be conducted to validate the relevancy of a child’s testimony in the law courts. These issues should be put in to account since they surround the issues of child molestation (Frontline-PBS documentary).






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