
Texting while driving – Essay Sample

Texting while driving – Essay Sample

The dangers of texting while driving are quite pronounced on the roads today. Danger in the wake of cell phone use is no stranger to lawmakers and organizations. Wilson in 2007 notes that 89% of Americans believe texting is “distracting, dangerous, and should be outlawed,” yet 66% text while driving. Against the background of the already dangerous act of cell phone use while driving, a much more potent danger has emerged in the cell phone on the road, with the topic of texting while driving.

Cell Phone Use is Dangerous
The use of cell phones while driving is dangerous. It goes within the realm of common sense to suppose the increased distractions that occur during a cell phone conversation. There are clearly enough distractions on the road to being able to handle an automobile. The added weights that a cell phone brings in terms of conversation and stimuli are too much for any driver on the road.
Cell phone stimuli create an unsafe environment for the driver of a car and those around the automobile. The conversation itself draws the attention of the driver away from the road to a degree. Additionally, the driver is not able to hear the sounds while driving as easily when one’s attention is altered due to a cell phone, in both a visual and auditory manner , which is important in many cases, such as for emergency vehicles.
Other considerations add onto the distractions. As not all drivers use hands free capabilities while speaking on the road, this incurs a level of danger. One less hand is not conducive for safe driving. When multitasking drivers who use a cell phone couple this use with something else, such as eating or writing down a note, driving safety is further compromised and compounded. While some may argue that they can handle such distractions, this fails to recognize the complications of distractions that can attribute to an accident. As a result, many factors may be attributed to the dangers that surround drivers on the road. The cell phone must be one area in which dangers are limited by appropriate bans around the country.

Texting While Driving
Texting while driving is dangerous. While there are difficulties in statistical analysis of text message while driving, the AAA reports that 46% of teens are distracted by texting behind the wheel. A Virginia Tech Institute Study found that at 55 mph, a driver texting travels the distance of a football field without eyes on the road (Hanowski); the researchers recommended banning texting for all drivers. When these two statistical bases are linked together, the immense dangers that result for America’s youth, as well as other individuals, speaks to the action that needs to be taken to help such dynamics.
The potency of text messaging while driving is quite considerable. Compared to normal cell phone use, an unreleased study found that accidents related to texting increased six times (Livadas). This adds onto the danger that is already involved in the case of driving while on the cell phone. One experiment from Car and Driver saw texting as more dangerous than drunk driving (LeBeau). Thus, from these two accounts of researchers close to the situation, it is clear that driving and texting is dangerous, which reject all opposing claims from some critics.





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