
Home Construction Managers: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Performance – Essay Sample

Home Construction Managers: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Performance – Essay Sample

Leaders are necessary in any workplace. They are fundamental members responsible for the management of projects and inspiration of employees. This is no more prevalent than in the construction field. Home construction managers are accountable for the quality, quickness and employee happiness surrounding a home construction project. Many people overlook the fact, though, that construction managers may not be emotionally stable. Are these leaders only required to possess the most basic skills and knowledge? How relevant are aspects of emotional intelligence to construction management and effective leadership?

‘Emotional intelligence’ describes a person’s ability to not only control their own emotions, but also to understand and direct the emotions of others. Empathy emotional control and the ability to mediate emotional conflicts are key ingredients to an emotionally intelligent individual. These aspects play a huge role in construction management. During large-scale construction projects, any number of things can go wrong. Accidents, setbacks and other issues can be emotionally draining on employers, employees and customers alike, and this requires leaders to be emotionally aware and intelligent.

Home construction leaders with high emotional intelligence are far more capable of handling these difficult scenarios. First of all, managers can determine when they are emotionally volatile, and stop themselves from reacting badly to unexpected situations. They are also more conscious of what types of encouragement motivates their workers. Leaders with emotional intelligence are also better able to interact with customers unsatisfied with time delays or construction issues, as they can understand customer complaints and come to a decision that all parties can agree on. These social skills extend to employees, who make have needs or complaints of their own. Emotionally intelligent leaders will be able to make informed decisions and effective compromises without being hindered or prejudiced by their own, or others, irrational emotions. Home construction managers with emotional intelligence are typically much more successful in their endeavors and boast happier, more satisfied customers and employees.





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