
In-house Training – Essay Sample

In-house Training – Essay Sample

The co-worker has more credibility because co-worker is familiar with the needs of the company as well as the proficiency level of the colleagues. Moreover, the co-worker can train everyone at a pace they are comfortable with. Outside consultants will have the incentive to cover more material than necessary because that would mean more income. Instead of focusing on Access features that may be needed, consultants will try to cover everything to be on the safe side. A co-worker can focus on features that are more important and slowly cover other features over time. Moreover, the co-worker will always be accessible after the training has been over but the same can’t be said about the outside consultant.

The in-house training will be beneficial because the in-house trainer is familiar with the company needs and thus, can focus more on meeting those specific needs during the training. In addition, the in-house training can afford to spread the training over a relatively longer period so the workers have time to grasp the material and they don’t feel overwhelmed. The in-house trainer will also be available for assistance once the official training has been over. The in-house training will also be cheaper in terms of cost.

The benefit of outsourcing the training is that the outsiders may be specialist Access users so they will be familiar will all the features of Access. In addition, they will be familiar with specific Access features that have been found to be the most advantageous and, thus, can benefit the company workers with their insight. Outside consultants may have an extensive Access training experience, thus, their mode of training may be more effective than an in-house trainer.





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