
Project Control System Case Study – Essay Sample

Project Control System Case Study – Essay Sample

In modern organizations, project management is one of the most essential components of successful operations at all levels. Therefore, it is important for organizations to recognize how different projects might provide many benefits to promote organizational growth and opportunity. Therefore, project managers who are assigned to develop and implement change initiatives throughout an organization require a series of strategic approaches that will be effective in supporting the desired project outcomes. Within the construction industry, making improvements to highways and roads is a full time responsibility due to normal wear and tear through constant travel of cars and trucks. Therefore, it is expected that road construction crews will continue to face challenges in managing projects and adhering to strict deadlines, because the general public depends upon the ability to travel without significant delays and detours. At the same time, bridge replacement requires a much greater level of manpower and financial capital than filling potholes on a stretch of road that spans several miles. Nonetheless, each project requires specific attention to detail, the appropriate level of manpower, and other factors that will facilitate project success within the established timeframe. The proposed project involves the repair of a bridge on a two-lane highway in a suburban area that is frequently traveled by approximately 7,500 vehicles on a daily basis. This construction project is expected to last approximately six to nine months, whereby repairs will be made to the bridge to improve its safety and to strengthen its support structure. It is anticipated that this project will require approximately 10-15 full time construction employees to meet the established objectives within the given timeframe, and will also require the closure of the bridge for this entire period, which requires a viable detour to be posted well in advance of the road closure.

Project Control System
The bridge repair project requires a number of levels of control and commitment from the project manager and all construction employees so that success is likely to occur. A number of control steps are required to facilitate project success, including but not limited to initiation, control, and closure, with smaller steps within this strategy. Within the realm of control, it is evident that the project must be broken down into several manageable steps to ensure that all possible measures are addressed, while also considering primary points that may interrupt project flow or success. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is necessary to identify specific tasks that are necessary for project development, and to also demonstrate the desired level of quality that is expected with each task, as well as the anticipated outcomes. In addition, part of the project control process requires ongoing team discussions and other efforts that will enable the team to work effectively as a group, and to recognize the significance of the end product.





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