
Servant Leadership and Talent Management – Essay Sample

Servant Leadership and Talent Management – Essay Sample

There are many ways in which companies are run, and many philosophies towards successful business leadership. A company must always consider its overall interests and individual success. One popular philosophy for leaders in the business world includes servant leadership. By employing the techniques and attitudes in alignment with servant leadership, overseers, managers and employers can better assess and utilize the talents of their employees.

Servant leadership is a philosophy employed by many major corporations around the world. The basic idea behind servant leadership is to focus on individuals within the company. This may include employees, shareholders and customers, though employees often have the most immediate benefit. Instead of leading with an authoritative stance, where employees or customers are less regarded and more required to follow blindly, servant leadership focuses on attending to individual needs and including both upper and lower employees in decision-making. More often, corporations that abide by a servant leadership philosophy look to all their employees – not matter what rank or job description – for input regarding company changes, policies and other issues. There are less hierarchal systems and employees usually feel on more equal footing with their coworkers. Servant leadership also allows for individuals to more freely put forth their ideas and innovative strategies for improving company performance. This is the same for customers, which enjoy servant leadership-run companies because they are more receptive to their feedback. At its heart, servant leadership aims to cater to the needs of individuals while inspiring those same individuals towards personal success.

Servant leadership has proven to be very effective in revealing and utilizing the talents of employees. By providing employees with a comfortable and supportive working environment, they are more likely to freely voice their ideas towards increased company efficiency. Standing on the same ground with their superiors regarding certain issues will make them feel empowered while giving them an opportunity to offer their own unique ideas, strategies and policy changes. By using a servant leadership strategy, employees can also be more vocal and confident about their specific talents and experiences. Employers, as a result, are more likely to place them in positions where they will excel or transform departments into more efficient business areas. By regarding personal needs, talents and strengths in every employee, a company has a far greater success of placing the right people in the right positions, and producing a well-run company. Overall, servant leadership is an excellent way to manage employee talent and improve company efficiency while increasing employee and customer satisfaction.





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