
U.S. Expatriate Managers – Essay Sample

U.S. Expatriate Managers – Essay Sample

Mention two competencies that ensure success for expatriates?

  • Managers and International Exposure: The US Expatriate Mangers must have a portfolio of international experience. He should be equipped with the knowledge and be aware of the culture and tradition of his host country. This would save him from the culture shock and would help him to better understand the working conditions of the new place.
  • Managers and Stress Tolerance: The US Expatriate manager should be vocal and interactive to obtain the knowledge from his fellow colleagues. They should also have the potential to adjust to the new life and culture. They need to appreciate the work of his team members, form relationships and be a driving force to manage the stress of work pressure. Negative vibes, discomfort and extreme urge to return to own country would make him susceptible to ridicule from his juniors.

Mention two types of cross-cultural training can be offered to help departing managers adjust to a foreign culture:

Adequate training about culture of the host country should be given. Professional training regarding stress management, work schedules, language and managerial policies would give them a better insight and prepare them for the challenges in another country.





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