
Chron’s Disease, Celiac Disease, and Intestinal Ileus – Essay Sample

Chron’s Disease, Celiac Disease, and Intestinal Ileus – Essay Sample

Chron’s Disease

Chron’s disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease that can affect people of all ages though the normal onset of the disease occurs between the ages of 15 to 35. Since the patient is 10, it could be a possibility, especially if the patient is of Jewish ancestry of has a family history of this disease. The patient is complaining of cramping in the abdominal region that is not directly related to food or other factors. Thus, it is a possibility that an autoimmune response from Chron’s disease is the culprit as the body is overreacting to normal bacteria in the intestines. It is typical for Chron’s for flare ups of symptoms, i.e. muscle cramping, to come and go with periods of flare ups. Fatigue, weight loss and loss of appetite, described by the patient, are also associated with Chron’s.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a response to the body’s inability to tolerate gluten, a common protein found in a number of grains and foods. It is possible for a person to be symptom free for a period of time and to suddenly start showing symptoms. Symptoms can include fatigue and abdominal pain as well as loss of appetite and weight loss. It would be difficult for the patient to understand what was causing the change if she is still eating the same foods she has eaten all of her life without problems. A blood test will need to be administered to ascertain whether or not Celiac’s disease is the culprit of the patients pain.

Intestinal Ileus

The patient may also be suffering from some sort of intestinal blockage. The block could be mechanical or due to ileus, a condition in which the bowel doesn’t work correctly even through there is no structural problem. Paralytic ileus is commonly found in children and may be associated with either peritonitis or appendicitis. If the patients condition begins to worsen and include vomiting or diarrhea, the possibility that intestinal blockage is the culprit will rise. In order to ascertain if this is the culprit, an abdominal x-ray or CT scan is necessary.





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