
DSMV II Diagnosis (Depressive Disorder) – Essay Sample

DSMV II Diagnosis (Depressive Disorder) – Essay Sample

DSMV II Diagnosis with facts are Depressive Disorder 300. Symptoms include depressive mood accompanied by mood disorders. Symptoms may be recurrent or acute. Three percent of people with this disorder commit suicide. There are symptoms of poor concentration and tend to withdraw from situations, insomnia including loss of sleep.

Rationale for Diagnosis include lack of desire to have sex after birth of child and change of activities since prior to birth of child. Appears to be not related to post-partum depression because there are other factors associated with depression such as sexual abuse before childbirth. Further post-partum depression is usually severe and the mother may have issues taking care of the child. They usually last for a few months are until the child is one year old.

Discuss alternative diagnosis Adjustment Disorder 309.4 due to birth of child with mix of emotions or conduct. There could be a combination of a Mood Disorder 296.90 which could explain the lack of desire for sex, depression. If you feel down for more than two weeks and have issues adjusting to life on life’s terms you may have an adjustment disorder. With mood disorders these encompass a chemical imbalance which may be set off by stress related symptoms.

Theory Based Treatment Plan is cognitive therapy and depression medication. There is no substance abuse because it was a isolated event. Since she could have a depression and mood related disorder it is highly likely she should be on some mood stabilizing drugs along with cognitive therapy. Her issues seem to deal with depression and unresolved issues of being sexually abused at a younger age. Social support is always the best avenue with combined medication and cognitive therapy if the depression is clinical.

DSMV II Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder 296.2 is when a person is depressed for a period of longer than two weeks. The symptoms are related to a change of the person’s personality of normal kind.

The rationale for this diagnosis is the fact she states she is depressed and she has become violent with her husband by shooting him in the hand. When she panicked it could have been due to an Anxiety Order 300.0. People with this disorder often aimlessly and concurrently worry about everyday life situations and are unable to calm down without anxiety medication. Often therapy helps to reduce the main issues that are the leading causes that factor the anxiety. It is normal for people to worry about certain situations in their life, however when a person has anxiety disorder they may go into panic attacks just for the simple reason of crossing a bridge or being afraid of heights. They must learn to deal with these situations as normal people do. That is why medication and cognitive therapy are often combined to treat the disorder. Often ativan and zanex are used to treat the disorder to calm the person down and to aid them with sleeping.

Alternative Diagnosis could be Bi-Polar Disorder most recent episode depressed 296.5. Though she does not have any genetic disposition to have Bi-Polar according to the scenario. We can assume for the situation of this scenario that there may be some depression and Bi-Polar tendencies in her family. Signs of bi-polar disorder are slumps of depression accompanied by mood changes and swings to mania, which can be violent and dangerous. Some mania cause psychotic symptoms if the bi-polar is serious enough and not treated with the correct medication. Even haladol has been used to treat psychotic symptoms for those with bi-polar when they are in a manic phase. Another good medication is Saphris, which has just been approved in the United States. The drug was made in the United Kingdom and is being distributed in the United States now. It is a very mild psychotic medication to be used in times of high stress and can be combine with other medications.





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