
Children Obesity Prevention – Essay Sample

Children Obesity Prevention – Essay Sample

Child obesity is an increasing medical problem amongst children in the United States – some estimates average that one-third of children suffer from the disorder. Children are diagnosed with obesity when their body-mass index is in the 95 percentile, which doctors will estimate as dangerously overweight. Understanding the causes, effects and treatments of child obesity can help parents keep their children healthier and avoid obesity. Some of the main causes of child obesity include:

  • Eating and exercise habits. Children that suffer from a poor diet, often overeat or don’t get adequate exercise are more likely to become obese.
  • Genetics and medical issues. If there is a history of obesity in a child’s family, or they suffer from certain diseases (such as hypothyroidism) they can be at a higher risk for obesity. Certain medications can also help lead to obesity.
  • Emotional issues. Children that suffer from depression, abuse, bullying, poor self-esteem or traumatic events (such as deaths in the family) are far more likely to develop obesity.

Obesity is typically affected by socioeconomic status and family life. Limited income will make it less likely for children to have access to foods for a balanced diet, while abused or emotionally neglected children will often turn to food for comfort and security. Children with obesity typically suffer from the following physical and emotional problems:

  • Depression, low self-esteem and other emotional issues.
  • Low energy or lethargy.
  • Nutritional deficits.
  • Other health problems

Many children with obesity face an ongoing struggle against ridicule from their peers, as well as the detrimental, habitual eating; both of these problems are hard to overcome without proper intervention and support. There are several effective treatments for managing obesity, but most treatments will only produce results if maintained continually. The following treatments are some of the most common employed to improve childhood obesity:

  • Starting a diet or employing healthy eating habits.
  • Increasing the amount of daily exercise.
  • Treating emotional factors using psychiatrists, support groups or medication.
  • Removing children from abusive or unhealthy environments.

If child obesity is allowed to continue without proper intervention, it can lead to lifelong obesity problems, increased risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, metabolic abnormalities, poor self-image and even suicide. Parents and their children can get support, information and treatment options from child health and obesity associations, such as from the American Heart Association and The Obesity Society.





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