
Performance Dimensions of Quality Improvement in a Healthcare Setting – Essay Sample

Performance Dimensions of Quality Improvement in a Healthcare Setting – Essay Sample

The Joint Commission (2001) generated a set of nine dimensions of performance in quality improvement in a healthcare setting.  These dimensions can be measured and will together provide quality healthcare for patients. The nine core dimensions for performance are:

  • Efficacy, which refers to how effective the treatment is for the patient’s condition;
  • Appropriateness, which considers how relevant the procedure is for the patient’s needs;
  • Availability, which refers to whether the patient has access to the treatments, medications, or other services needed to deal with their condition;
  • Timeliness, which refers to whether the patient can access the treatments, or tests in an appropriate timeframe and without undue delays;
  • Effectiveness, which refers to determining which treatments will be provided for the patient’s specific condition;
  • Continuity, which refers to whether the patient has access to care over time as needed and appropriate and in conjunction with other services needed;
  • Safety, which refers to whether the safety of the patient and caregivers are properly protected;
  • Efficiency, which refers to the way in which treatments and procedures are done in a reasonably efficient manner; and
  • Respect and caring, which refers to the attitude caregivers and medical staff have for the patients, their privacy, and their dignity.

Some of these dimensions are about making sure that the treatment provided is the correct treatment (i.e., efficacy and appropriateness).  The other dimensions focus more on making sure that the correct treatment is provided in a quality way.





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