
Your Memory: How to improve your Memory – Essay Sample

Your Memory: How to improve your Memory – Essay Sample

Memory is defined as the mental activity of remembering information that one has experienced or learned. The activity involves complex processes involve various parts of the brain and which gives one service in disparate ways (Kenneth L. 194). Every person has two types of memories .These are: short-term memory is a fragile memory in which the mind stores information for a very short time (a few second s or minutes like the period between looking up a number in the phone and dialing it) .this type of memory is made to be otherwise if the brain had to retain the information of every activity or every person one interacts with then the ‘disk’ would soon read full. The other type of memory is the long term memory which in which information is retained for long time. The information stored in this type of memory is either meaningful to the individual like friends and family data or made an emotional impression for instance the day a close relative died, the day of your wedding or even the information could be a necessity for example information to be examined on and job procedures and therefore an effort is made consciously or unconsciously to retain such information. Long term memories include semantic memories  which helps recall data (facts) which is not bound to place or time, episodic memory or  personal memories concerning experiences a person had at specific times and the procedural memory which involves routines and procedures performed  so often that the conscious recall  becomes unnecessary. The areas of the brain vital for memory formation and retention include the hippocampus which process the information, amygdala which processes emotions and helps in imprinting memories involving emotion and finally the cerebral cortex (brains outer layer) which different zones for storing the most long term memory. This different zones store different information depending on kind of processing involved for example sensory input and language. Memory also involves communication among the network of neurons found in the brain (Kay D. 115)

The complexity of human brain can not compare even with the most advanced machine and therefore improving human memory needs an extra effort. The means of improving human memory range from brain exercise to use of mnemonic device to health habits a nd nutrition.

Brain exercises

More brain work means increased ability to process and recall information. Sensory and novelty stimulation form the foundations for brain exercise. Changing a routine in a way that is challenging means new brain pathways not previously used is put in use. For example brushing your shoes with the non dominant hand activates the less utilized connections on the brains non dominant side. Involving your brain in an aerobic exercise is also vital .Such exercise force you to utilize your faculties in a way that is unusual. These include learning a strategy for a new game, taking a new subject which is not familiar, showering and dressing with eyes closed among others all which help maintain firing of the synapses(Gilles E. 220). In addition to exercising your brain, the following are some basic things you can do to enhance your ability to retain and retrieve memories: The most important thing is to pay attention because you can only encode something into your brain if you pay close attention to it. The processing of a piece of information via the hippocampus and then into the relevant memory centre requires eight second and therefore you should avoid multitasking if concentration is to be achieved.  In addition if you get easily disrupted you should look for a quiet place with no interruptions. Another way is by considering your learning style when tailoring acquisition of information. Most people  learn best by reading or  seeing what  is necessary for them to (visual learners) while  some  others are auditory learners and can only  learn better through listening and thus might  benefit  by recording necessary information and listening to it till they are able to recall it.  In addition one should learn to organize information through taking notes on complex materials, writing down in date books and address books, on calendars and through the use of both pictures and words in learning information. You should then relate what you know to the new acquired information.

Another way is by understanding and interpreting materials that are complex. This requires understanding basic ideas instead of memorizing .once you have understood rehearse the information often, review your learning on   the same day you learn it and practice spaced rehearsal. In addition be motivated and keep optimistic because if you tell yourself that you have a bad memory you hamper your brains ability to remember while on the other hand a positive mental feedback brings an expectation of success. Finally ensure that you involve as many senses as you can when learning for example if you learn through seeing or reading, read loud what is necessary to remember and even recite rhythmically then rewrite the information to help make an imprint into your brain. Try also to relate information to smells, colours, tastes and texture (Betty F. chapter 3)






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