
Radical Sexual Politics – Essay Sample

Radical Sexual Politics – Essay Sample

Radical sexual politics refers to the advancement of the definition and acceptance of sexual behavior within society, particularly among gay men and lesbian women.  As these diverse individuals attempt to live alternative lifestyles, at least as compared to the cultural norm, they are forced to interact within the political arena to gain a sense of normalcy.  In addition to normalcy, these individuals seek to gain acceptance of their sexual behaviors by fighting the restrictions and discrimination of an intolerable community.  Through politics, gays and lesbians work to implement change within their communities, and even a national community.  This change has recently received a lot of publicity through efforts for reform in the institution of marriage.

Many politicos and philosophers have focused efforts to define the sexuality of these radical individuals, while also attempting to explain their thought processes.  Focault focused much of his work and thinking in praising gay behaviors “because all the energy and imagination which in the heterosexual relationship were channeled into courtship, now become devoted to intensifying the act of sex itself.  A whole new art of sexual practice develops which tried to explore all the internal possibilities of sexual conduct” (330-331).  As a new radicalized view of sexuality has evolved, so has the politics of such behaviors.  Lawmakers are now being influenced through millions of dollars of campaign finance to fight for gay rights.  A new power in the political lobbying communities and political activism has brought a new voice to the issue that argues for equality in all areas of society, including sexual intrigue and a more liberal definition of sexuality.  Acceptance may be the goal for some, but the ultimate goal of radical sexuality politics is to eliminate social discrimination for alternative sexual lifestyles and work to change the negative stigma of “immoral” sexual behavior.





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