
Supportive Relationships and Resolving Conflict – Essay Sample

Supportive Relationships and Resolving Conflict – Essay Sample

Defensive or Supportive Relationships

Our relationship is supportive, in that it provides a perfect climate that boosts honesty, openness and constructive interaction. Factors that aid in the building of the supportive climates:

Monitoring oneself- this enables one to be mindful of the others communication habits and thus eliminating the habits that make people to be defensive. Behaving in a steady manner, and showing compassion and empathy and listening keenly one is able to set a standard that others can emulate. This means that for effective relationship one must change some individualistic attitudes first.

Reaching agreement on important and helpful guidelines- This involves one allocating time to talk and take turns. In complicated cases it is imperative for the parties to agree in advance on basic contentious issuers if need be they can employ a mediator or negotiator where there are hotly disputed clauses of disagreement.

Is feedback necessary?

It is important to bring to the partner’s attention any habits and behaviors that they may exhibit and which look more defensive such as when are assuming an unwarranted superior position or using loaded words. This involves doing such things in private so as not to embarrass them and vividly describing how you feel.

Resolving Conflict

There are cases and situations when we find ourselves on logger heads. For example we differed when one of us ostensibly snatched a girlfriend from the other. This created a huge gap in our relationship to an extent we never communicated for three months.

Respectful communication

In such cases of highly emotional and contentious issues we resorted to less painful rules through outlining the principles of dialogue and one on one communication. Although this approach allows us to address the conflicting occasions, it is only effective if it focuses on the substantive disagreement rather that the rising personal differences. This requires for the parties to substantial sacrifices to ensure the benefit of both parties.

From this relationship, I have realized it requires some skills which means in the end one develops effective conflict resolution amplitude. In all cases, I have learned to treat every problem as my fault. This means that one should cease from accusing, blaming and consequently attacking the other party. From this case I have learned top scrutinize my contribution to the conflict before figuring out what went wrong or right. From our relationship, we have learned to embrace humility in favor of pride. Since humility involves doing what is right unlike pride which concentrates on who is right. As said before, every relationship is how one should contribute to boost and improve the relationship.

Scheduling conflict resolving

Unlike how disputes arise, conflict resolution does not happen accidently; it requires one to tread cautiously through a deliberate and intentional approach. In every situation we always prearrange to a “mutually agreeable time” since personally I understand improper timing is disastrous as it leads to loss of the real resolution focus.

Stick up the process

In every dispute resolution case, especially where one confidently feels that he/she is blameless, one tends to walk out of the fight in the middle. In our case we tend to first recognize that a problem exist thus no point of living in denial. This is followed taking the courage to fully confront the real dispute causes and effectively take the tempting temper flare- ups. Through this relationship I am able to interact with diverse people in personal and professional profile.





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