Samples Tagged as: computer science essay samples

File Sharing on the Internet – Essay Sample

Introduction This topic examines the argument of file sharing on the internet and why this concept is potentially harmful.  File sharing is the means of exchanging digitally stored information with friends or colleagues over the internet.  This may include such … Full sample

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Router – Essay Sample

A router joins multiple wired or wireless networks together, via a physical device.  While a router is a special type of gateway, it should not be confused with the term.  A gateway interfaces other networks that utilize different protocols, which … Full sample

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Overview of Linux and Windows – Essay Sample

Overview of Linux According to “” the name “Linux” came from the kernel of the operating system, developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. The trademark of Linux still owns by him. Linus researched the kernel and sustained to regulate its … Full sample

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Public Key Infrastructure vs. Pretty Good Privacy – Essay Sample

PKI Public Key Infrastructure, or simply ‘PKI’, is “A framework for creating a secure method for exchanging information based on public key cryptography” (PC Magazine). This solution helps the users of a basically unsecured network, like Internet, be able to … Full sample

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