Within the saltwater marsh environment, it is important to distinguish between different types and species of plants and animals as a means of understanding this ecological environment more closely. For example, this environment includes such common plants as Pickleweed, Smooth Cord Grass, and Common Phragmites Reed, amongst others (Portnoy). With respect to fish, there are a number of common types that may be identified, such as the Carp, which is perhaps the most common species, along with the Winter Flounder and the Four-Spine Stickleback (Portnoy). The Midge is a common insect found near the saltwater marsh, and the Least Tern and the Osprey are common birds found in these areas (Portnoy). During periods of tidal change, it is important to recognize that living species in this area are typically responsive to these events, which is a favorable outcome (Portnoy). Since tidal changes have caused significant damage to salt marshes over the years, it is not surprising that the recommendation to allow nature to take its course naturally is a feasible option, because it enables plants and animals living in or near the salt marsh to respond and adapt to changes effectively over time (Portnoy). In addition, in an environment such as the Everglades, it is important to recognize some of the larger species, such as the Panther and Manatee, each of which resides in this environment, yet finds it difficult to sustain living without adaptation (USACE, 2011). Under these conditions, it is important to determine how to preserve this struggling ecosystem, and to recognize the limitations of this environment, given the difficulties that many species face as a result of human hands and actions (USACE, 2011). Therefore, environmental changes continue to place some of these species in jeopardy, while others continue to adapt to change accordingly.
Jigsaw Model and Steps
A jigsaw model involving a basic vocabulary lesson would engage students and enable them to better understand the saltwater marsh. The following steps are proposed:
The second exercise involves a question and answer session, and will be comprised of the following steps:
The teacher will evaluate individual performance based upon the nature and quality of the question, and how it supports the science lesson under consideration. The group will be evaluated on the basis of their level of communication when the teacher assesses each group dynamic.