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Marijuana – or cannabis, as it is often known in the medical community – is a drug used to treat certain medical conditions under certain circumstances. However, many individuals also use the drug recreationally. Medical marijuana is typically much safer … Full sample
Of all metabolic disease, diabetes mellitus – or simple diabetes, as many now know it – is one of the most widely known, widely studied and widely feared diseases. The disease results from an abnormality of insulin in the human … Full sample
Child obesity is an increasing medical problem amongst children in the United States – some estimates average that one-third of children suffer from the disorder. Children are diagnosed with obesity when their body-mass index is in the 95 percentile, which … Full sample
New mothers often face a difficult choice when it comes to feeding their newborns. The ongoing battle of breast feeding verses bottle feeding may never truly be resolved; there are pros and cons for both, and often little evidence to … Full sample
Secondary hypertension exists when the patient has increased blood pressure (BP) and also has an underlying condition that causes the hypertension ( Viera & Neutze, 2010). Many conditions can generate hypertension as a symptom, including coarctation of the aorta, renal … Full sample