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The September 11/2001 attack on USA provoked the enhanced use computer assisted passenger prescreening system (CAPPS). This idea came about in the year1998 by the federal Aviation Administration whereby this organization implemented the use of CAPPS with the aim of … Full sample
Hulu is a website that provides video streams of television shows, clips and movies from Fox, NBC, and ABC among other studios and networks which are commercially supported. Hulu also offers web syndication services for other websites including MSN, AOL, … Full sample
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is generally identified as the discipline focused on investigating how to make computers perform tasks that involve intelligence when carried out by human beings. Through its short modern history AI has had succeed to particular extent, mostly … Full sample
What evidence is the CEO using to suggest that Genex is not using technology competitively? The CEO is emphasizing the fragmented nature of Genex where each division is separating as a separate business, running its affairs independently. Because there is … Full sample
What governance mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure common customer data and a shared customer service center? What metrics might be useful? First of all, common data standards will need to be adopted that allow most of … Full sample