
Ethics awareness inventory analysis – Essay Sample

Ethics awareness inventory analysis – Essay Sample

My Ethics Awareness Profile (EAP) shows that I have a close alignment with both obligation and equity. As a Police SWAT team officer I hold a high value to a sense of duty (obligation) to my department, the public and my fellow officers. Equity derives from a strong belief in fair play and a sense of justice in the duties that we perform. This provides in insight into the EAP rankings and individual ethical beliefs. Whilst this is not a complete image of my ethical profile, the inventory scoring profile provides a relatively accurate guide into core beliefs.

As a police officer we do what we believe to be morally correct as such ethical behaviour is influenced by conscience. This means examining the ethical behaviour of others as opposed to determination of results. It is the concept of what we actually do and the rules that we abide by that govern our ethical behaviour. As such the belief is that humans are treated with dignity and equity without just being considered a means to an end in order to achieve some specific result. This is the belief concept that all humans have intrinsic value.

Your ethical style is influenced by your professional responsibility with a strong sense of service, commitment to duty and sense of loyalty. Your style is one of personal self-development and advocating policies for equal respect of others. This respects the freedom of choice of other individuals and this being in accordance with established belief precedents of right and wrong.
You face a certain degree of frustration with some ethical dilemmas. Often a conflict between personal choice and the duty of organizational instruction. This means weighing the balance of ethical considerations but maintaining the moral and ethical duty in order to achieve the right thing. This leaves little room for compromise in decision making. The law is not always black and white and determining the shades of grey often poses ethical challenges. Educational training in my job function demands a high sense of moral duty and following a chain of command in decision making. Ethics means finding your own moral compass but remaining focused on team objectives.





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