Love and lust are two terms that oppose each other in many ways, yet seem to get thrown together at times as well. Both finding their way into romantic relationships, the relationship between these two words is certainly varied and open to interpretation. Normal views tend to see the following three themes develop in the similarities and difference of lust and love within society.
The Human Relationship
One noticeable difference and similarity rests in the role of the relationship. Love and lust seem to find similarities and differences when the term “relationship” is brought forth. For some people, lust and love and separate while others argue that they are together on this issue, yet it may not be impossible for both to be true, in certain distinctions.
Lust is normally seen within a human relationship. It is important to make clear that we are not referring to a “true” relationship, or one judged by moral standards. It is rather in the state of a human relationship, however devoted or casual.
Thus lust is seen within a relationship. Lusting after another is between two people, as evident from the necessary presence of a relationship. If the previous concession as to the irrelevant nature of the state of the relationship is given, we see that lust must occur in these standards, between two humans in a relationship.
Here we come to the first similarity in that of lust and love. Love must also normally be taken in context of a human relationship. Most people will agree that love is between two people, in the most natural of examples.
Upon this similarity we find a difference of opinion for some, however. Respective of the term “love,” it can also be taken to other objects. For instance, one may love their job or love a particular activity.
On this we have seen the difficulties in the comparison. In different degrees we see love and lust as similar to that of relationship, where both must usually be seen in this light. However, love can be taken out of this context, opposing the two terms.
Love and lust are quite different in intensity. However, both love and lust may see a high degree of intensity, while they are of different types. In this area love and lust sees similarities and differences.
The major similarity is in the intensity in which love and lust are experienced. Love is the easy choice here. Most people agree that love is an intense feeling, emotion, or state. Regardless upon one’s definition of love, it is intense. Lust on the other hand is not as simple, yet its intensity cannot be denied. Regardless of its development or moral considerations, lust may also be experienced in high regards to intensity. Thus we find a certain similarity between the two terms in intensity.
In regards to intensity, it is interesting to find lust and love differing in a certain respect. Love is normally seen as a developed and powerful state. In regards to intensity, its prominence is unmistakable by most. Lust, however, does not share this. As it can arrive without development and within one’s desires, whether positive or negative, it does not share this “high” view as does love. One may feel lustful for another out of nowhere, for example. In this, its intensity is surely not up to par with that of love.
One definite difference between lust and love is value. Lust simply is not valued in terms of morality. Love, on the other hand, is the subject of literature, ethics, morality, religions, philosophy, and many others, as its prominence in one’s life is to be treasured, according to many.
Lust can be dangerous. Lust can break relationships and transform people into who they do not want to be, in certain cases. Thus lust has traditionally not seen anywhere near the impact of love on the positive of one’s life. This can be attributed to its lesser overall value.
Love, however, does not share the lesser value of lust. For instance, one is supposed to love his or her family, friends, and others within the community and around the world. This value, inside and outside of relationships and one’s life is heralded throughout history and into present day. Simply put, love overrides lust in terms of value.
Lust and love share a number of similarities. They can both occur in the notion of a relationship. More common, they can both drive a high level of intensity in a person, although lust can be quite negative. In these similarities, we find reason why these two terms are placed together. However, these two terms are arguably placed together due to their differences. Love is normally seen beyond that of lust, for moral reasons of value. It is valued by all and takes the advantage in its role, power, and prominence within many individuals.