At the beginning of the story, we meet a teenager Connie, who cannot find common language with her mom or older sister. As a result, the girl spends most of her summer time out with friends. One night, she goes to the mall with her best friend, but instead of spending time there, they run across the road to the drive-in restaurant, a popular spot for older kids.
They ignore their high school acquaintances and try to meet older guys. A boy named Ernie strikes up a conversation with Connie and invites her to grab a bite. She leaves her best friend at drive-in and follows him to the car. On the parking lot, she notices another weird guy in a golden convertible; the guy stares at her and then wags her finger, saying “Gonna get you baby”. Connie looks away and pretends that nothing had happened.
The author does not tell us where and how Ernie and Connie spend their time together, but after being gone for 3 hours, she meets up with her girlfriend at the plaza again, and the father of her best friend takes both girls home.
One Sunday, when Connie stays alone at home while all her family goes out for a barbeque, she hears a car pull up in her driveway. When she looks out of her kitchen window, she recognizes a golden convertible from that night spent at the drive-in restaurant. The weird guy is behind the wheel and he honks four times. A wise thing to do would be to stay inside and call the cops, but the curious girl decides to chat with a stranger.
The driver invites Connie for a ride, but she refuses. Then he finally introduces himself and his friend. Arnold, the driver, steps out and shows off his car. When the girl refuses to see the other side of the car, he tells her that, since the night at the drive-in restaurant, he had gathered a lot of information about her. He knew her name, her address, names of her family members and even the fact that she was alone at home. The situation is starting to get spooky. Connie asks about Arnold’s age, and although he admits that he is as old as she is, she has a suspicion that both of them are already in their thirties.
Arnold insists that Connie joins them for a ride and talks dirty when he explains what he would like to do with her. The girl is shocked and moves away slowly back into the house, but Arnold is quick to follow her inside. As the girl attempts to call the police, Arnolds threatens to hurt her family. In deep shock and having a major panic attack, the girl has no other choice but to obey and follow Arnold to the car. Unfortunately, it is unclear of what happens after. The ending is open, and it raises lots of questions. The author gives readers a chance to think of their own way to end Connie’s story.