“Rebel without a Cause” is an American film, which came out in 1955, starring an icon of youth drama of that time, James Dean. The film’s budget was $ 1.5 million, and it was premiered in the US on October … Full sample
“The Catcher in the Rye” is the central piece of prose, written by J.D. Salinger during the war. The postwar period of 1950ies, which is described in the story, corresponds to the mood and psychological atmosphere of the novel. Salinger … Full sample
Langston Hughes is a prominent essayist, playwright, novelist, poet, anthologist and translator of Spanish poetry. His literary heritage consists of more than 50 works. Hughes’s family constantly moved from place to place during his childhood and adolescence years. His mother … Full sample
“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” – is the undisputed masterpiece of Ambrose Bierce. On the bridge, a man stands with his hands tied behind his back and a rope around his neck. This is Peyton Farquhar, a planter and … Full sample
Zora Neale Hurston was an American writer, known as one of the leaders of the Harlem Renaissance. She was born in a small town Itonvil, Florida. In 1925, she first came to New York with the troupe of actors. Her … Full sample
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