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Krikmann, Arvo. “Contemporary Linguistic Theory of Humor.” Folklore. 12 July 2009. The paper discusses the theories of humor, particularly focusing on linguistic ones. It discusses the following subtopics: Arthur Koestler’s bisociation theory of humor and its reception; Viktor Raskin’s script-based … Full sample
Responsibilities are forces that lead one to act on requests or demands by their fields. These include duties or activities that one has to perform in order to fulfill what they are required to do. A leader is a person … Full sample
The concept of public relations or mass communications is what is commonly referred to as public communication. However, it is a field mainly built on thoughts and images, strategy and persuasion, information and tactics. There is no product or strategy … Full sample
Interpersonal communication is probably one of the most, if not the most, important and essential skill that has to be learned and used profficiently by any person either in every day life, or in business. This vital skill ensures well-built … Full sample
Communication has always been vital in the life of people. Interpersonal communication, either simple talk or complicated negotiations, is essential to progress in both your personal and business life. Human beings always strived to success in every single aspect of … Full sample