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There are many different ways of periodization. It is clear that they are conditional, but their benefit is rather obvious. When one would like to go back in time, it is essential to have a plan and the map of … Full sample
The tropical island chain of Hawaii, located in the wide Pacific, is a dream location for tourists and private paradise for locals. As the 50th state of the U.S., however, Hawaii was not always completely accessible to outsiders. The island … Full sample
The term ‘manifest destiny’ has been heard in many classrooms throughout the United States. The idea was a complicated mix of national ambition and religious fervor. This ‘mission’ was supported by many Americans, which believed that the United States was … Full sample
The Roaring 20’s of the United States affected many areas of the country, but none so intensely as, perhaps, New York City. This elaborate decade brought art, music, culture and growth to this major east-coast city, helping to establish it … Full sample
Few texts surrounding the atrocities of World War II have inspired more controversy, argument and debate as author Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Arendt’s review of former Nazi Adolf Eichmann and the events … Full sample