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In recent years, FATF investigations have exposed money laundering initiatives in the securities sector by identifying an increasing range of innovative, yet irregular, transactions. These transactions originated both from internal and external sources. Much of this fraudulent activity originated inside … Full sample
Judges have a tough a profession. They have taken an oath to uphold and honor the laws. What many people do not take into consideration is that fact that behind the gavel and the black robe is a human-being just … Full sample
Is a form of an enterprise, which combines advantages of all types of business entities, mentioned above. Nevertheless, there are particular limitations on operation of companies, having this type of incorporation. Liability. Like shareholders of C-corporation, shareholders of S-corporation have … Full sample
Is a legal form of business entity able to have unlimited number of stockholders (both residents and non-residents). Income of a C-corporation is a subject to corporate taxation. Liability. Liability of company’s owners is limited. Shareholders, in case of corporate … Full sample
General partnership is a form of an enterprise, which implies presence of two or more partners. These partners are the founders of the partnership. Liability. General partnership has the same type of liability as sole proprietorship. All partners are responsible … Full sample