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Internal and external forces Countries of the Arab world are unable to achieve democratic goals mainly because of lack of a political community that is receptive to the democratic aspirations of the entire population. This political community should be viewed … Full sample
As a new leader of the nation Barack Obama has a lot of plans of how to improve current situation in the country and how to re-build our economy. During his presidential campaign Obama has given a lot of promises … Full sample
Taking part in presidential elections, even from a voting perspective, is one of most essential rights of any citizen. Therefore, when a person finally reaches a voting age, a great responsibility falls on him, due to the fact that he/she … Full sample
Both the inaugural speech of President Barack Obama and the poem “Praise Song for the Day” by Elizabeth Alexander were written in a pretty simple language, understandable for all people. It was made purposefully, because both pieces were aimed at … Full sample
The United States of American was always famous for the two main political parties that existed and still exist and dominate the government. They are: the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party. Nonetheless, it the last years many other parties … Full sample