“The Cask of Amontillado” written by Edgar Allan Poe is a short story about the person buried alive. Though reader knows nothing about the background of this crime, about life of the main characters, even about the motives of such … Full sample
For thousands of years human being tried to understand what does it mean to be human, what makes oneself a human being, and how can ‘humanity’ be best described. Though the answers seem vivid and one can find the definition … Full sample
I see the walls of my lovely house and I wonder whether there is any sense in cracks, rents, scratches that have changed its look through years. Dozens of nice pictures, photos, yellowed papers, attached to the aged wooden planks, … Full sample
Leadership is one of the most essential skills that a person can have or get, due to the fact that this skill can really help in personal and business life. However, there are many definitions of leadership, so how one … Full sample
When we are young, we rarely realize what do we actually need from life. Though people do make plans and have desires, they seldomly understand which path do they have to take in order to achieve tangible results in any … Full sample
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