“Love your neighbor,” is what the Bible commands. For many centuries people are trying to follow this command, nonetheless, practically no one can fully understand its true meaning. Therefore, it creates an ethical dilemma that a lot of people face … Full sample
Undoubtedly, sticking to the same way of life for a long period of time can lead to both degradation and boredom. People who “stare into a mirror” stop realizing the true greatness and abundance of life, as far as the … Full sample
Outline Introduction Thesis statement: A father figure is extremely important in the life of children. Body. Father’s responsibility and position. Father’s influence on children and family. Reducing behavioral and psychological problems in children. Father figures have a huge impact on … Full sample
The three stories that we read during our English class, are somewhat alike, due to the fact that they incorporate one topic that is vividly seen in each of the stories. This topic is alienation. In other words, in each … Full sample
I believe that everyone has his/her own actor or actress, either American or European. My favorite actor is Mel Gibson, “a movie star and a controversial filmmaker” (Mel Gibson). He has an entirely different style from most of the other … Full sample
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