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Is Hamlet a Tragic Hero according to the Aristotelian Definition of Tragedy? Aristotle is famed for his careful and detailed examination of the dramatic arts. One of the most influential aspects of his analysis concerns his thoughts about the particular … Full sample
Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film, Schindler’s List, won vast critical acclaim, including the Academy Award as Best Picture of the year, and was an enormous success with the public. The American Film Institute has also named it the eighth Best American … Full sample
Ntozake Shange is a contemporary black poet, playwright, and novelist. Like many postcolonial writers, Shange attempts to forge a place within the literary tradition for forms, styles, and subject matter that have been excluded from it. That tradition has largely been … Full sample
This is a play. This play is pleasant and memorable. It was written by Tennessee Williams and involves four characters. This play was initially written and meant to be a played on screen for MGM. Tennessee was given the contract … Full sample
Max Bush is a director and a freelance playwright of plays that are broadly produced on educational and professional stages around the country. The author won numerous awards that include Individual Artist Grants from Michigan Council for the Arts, Distinguished … Full sample