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In the discussion of moral objectivism and moral relativism, it is important to understand the difference, and the impact that a moral system has on the criminal justice community. The community exists to enforce the laws. Moral judgments are made … Full sample
Prisons and jails serve the dual purposes of punishment and housing for those who have been convicted of crimes, and those who are awaiting trial. The main difference between the two institutions is that prisons exclusively house and punish convicted … Full sample
Jack Nicholson played Colonel Jessep in A Few Good Men and uttered one of the more famous lines in movie history when he explained that Tom Cruise’s character, LTJG Kaffee, could not handle the truth. While this film is an … Full sample
A major issue facing the juvenile justice system, and one that reflects problems within the foundation of the system itself, is how young offenders are initially treated and held, before the trial process. Laws dictating rights of adult suspects are … Full sample
The origins of the modern police state in the United States came from English law enforcement practices. The British can trace the origins of their enforcement of legal standards prior to the Norman Conquest in 1066 (Sabath.) In particular, the … Full sample