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Way of the Samurai is the video games series in the genre of Action-adventure, developed by Acquire and published by Spike for a game console, the PlayStation 2. The game is set in medieval Japan. A wandering samurai is a … Full sample
How does one get more visitors to an auto website? What methods can be used to stimulate an increase of traffic to the site? Marketing a website is one of the major ways through which the number of visitors to … Full sample
The evolution of digital technology as well as its adoption over the last decade has been a remarkable event. It is hard to think of any disruptive technology that has been adopted on such a wide scale by most of … Full sample
Many concerns exist within both popular discourse and the academic literature as to the effects of the Internet on education. One hypothesis is that the facility of acquiring information on the Internet represents a certain dumbing-down of culture, and thus … Full sample
Hulu is a website that provides video streams of television shows, clips and movies from Fox, NBC, and ABC among other studios and networks which are commercially supported. Hulu also offers web syndication services for other websites including MSN, AOL, … Full sample