We live in a contemporary world and generally accept the things the way they are without much analysis. Do we spend much time pondering over how this or that aspect of modern life influences our every-day activities, our view of … Full sample
Imagine you are alone on the street. You have nowhere to go, there is no one waiting for you or worrying about you anywhere in the whole city. You are so hungry that each movement seems to be unmanageable. There … Full sample
I faced a task of reviewing “Including Samuel” by a documentarian and a photographer Dan Habib, which is a documentary film telling a story of Habib’s son who was diagnosed cerebral palsy when he was only one-year old. The movie … Full sample
People change for the duration of their entire lives, and usually do that gradually, being influenced by various aspects of surviving in the modern world. My father, and I suppose he followed Freud when discussing this topic, believed that personality … Full sample
Recently, about a week ago, I had a worst dining experience ever. That day, I didn’t really have any possibility to reach home for a meal, so I faced the need to eat somewhere else. The restaurant where I decided … Full sample
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